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Shameful Aspects of Civil-Military Conflict in Pakistan


The former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, while giving an interview to Voice of America, said that General Bajwa, not America, brought down my government According to him, General Bajwa convinced America that Imran Khan is against America.

Imran Khan said that General Bajwa was the super king in our government and all our decisions were taken by him, I was just a punching bag Government policies were approved by General Bajwa and I was blamed for the mistakes.

Imran Khan said that corruption of Sharif family was not a problem for General Bajwa General Bajwa wanted us to work with the Sharifs which meant we should give relief to the Sharifs in corruption cases, Imran Khan said that General Bajwa took credit for all the decisions and put the blame on Imran Khan.

(Daily Express Karachi, February 13, 2023) All over the world, generals destroy enemies, but in Pakistan, the generals' method is that they They surrender to enemies like India and America and lay arms on their nation He took up arms against the Bengalis in 1971.

During the MRD movement in 1980, he used force against the people of rural Sindh In the 1990s, force was used in Karachi.

The history of Balochistan is that there have been four military operations and the fifth military operation is ongoing A shameful aspect of the politics of generals is that they always blame politicians for state failures.

When General Ayub imposed martial law in 1958, he attributed the country's political instability to martial law But that was an excuse, the history of the whole world is before us.

The failure of political leadership in Europe led to two horrific world wars Tens of millions of people were killed in these wars, but in no country in Europe did the generals seize power by holding the politicians responsible for this loss.

In World War II American General MacArthur emerged as a military hero of the United States, but during the Second World War, he was ordered by the political leadership to stop the advance on the Japanese fronts General MacArthur did not agree with this order.

He believed that if the advance of American troops continued, America would have conquered the whole of Japan in a few days So General MacArthur expressed his disagreement in front of the journalists.

This disagreement was published in newspapers As a result, the political leadership of the United States immediately recalled General MacArthur to the United States.

In the 1990s, the governments in Italy and Japan changed day by day, but the generals of Japan and Italy did not seize power under the guise of political instability In the Sino-Indian War of 1962, India lost the war under the leadership of Nehru.

But the Indian army did not seize power on the basis of Nehru's failure Assassination of Gandhi, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi in India But the Indian army did not have the courage to kill the power.

But General Ayub seized power under the guise of political instability in such a way that political power is still in the hands of Pakistani generals The fall of Dhaka is the most tragic chapter in our history.

As a result of the fall of Dhaka, Quaid-e-Azam's original Pakistan ended and half of Pakistan remained in the form of West Pakistan But General Yahya, despite being the President and the Army Chief, did not accept his responsibility in relation to the division of Pakistan.

The military establishment still blames Sheikh Mujib, Bhutto and Indira Gandhi for the fall of Dhaka However, if General Yahya Sheikh Mujib had transferred power, the country would not have collapsed, Dhaka would not have fallen, and our 90,000 soldiers would not have surrendered.

Neither Bhutto could find anything wrong with Sheikh Mujib or General Yahya Bhutto was nothing in 1971.

On the contrary, in 1977, when General Zia-ul-Haq sacked him and hanged him Bhutto was the prime minister of the country Popular people were the leaders.

He was the creator of Pakistan's nuclear program He was the person who gave the unanimous constitution of 1973 to the country, but despite this, General Zia-ul-Haq deprived him of his chair and life and Bhutto could not spoil anything of General Zia-ul-Haq.

General Pervez Musharraf seized power in 1999 by dismissing Mian Nawaz Sharif from his post, then he held Mian Nawaz Sharif responsible for this situation He said that no clerk is fired the way Nawaz Sharif fired the army chief.

This statement of General Pervez was smoky but there was no truth in it Mian Nawaz Sharif was the Prime Minister of the country and he had full authority to dismiss the Army Chief.

Before General Pervez Musharraf, General Zia-ul-Haq also seized power, citing the country's political instability as the reason for martial law, although the history of military dictators is that when they came to power, When they took over, there was less political chaos in the country, but when they lost power, there was more political instability in the country Generals accuse politicians of being incompetent and corrupt when in fact our generals are "suited" by incompetent and corrupt politicians.

If the politicians become competent and become free from corruption, then how will the generals deprive them of power? It is on the record of history that Jamaat-e-Islami is a group of competent and corruption-free politicians, it has shown that it has fought with the establishment on every national front and has made an everlasting history of sacrifices In 1971, when East Pakistan was suffering from a political crisis, Jamaat-e-Islami did its right to defend the country by establishing Al-Badar and Al-Shams.

When Jihad started in Kashmir, Jamaat-e-Islami stood ahead of the army in this field When there was a war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, Jamaat-e-Islami participated in this war Played the role of first team.

In the long history of Jamaat-e-Islami, hundreds of people have been members of national and provincial assemblies and local bodies, but they have never been accused of corruption Despite this, the generals never tried to bring Jamaat-e-Islami to power.

The reason for this is that it is not easy to put pressure on a party which is free from corruption and kick it out of power In contrast, the generals cultivated Bhutto in the nursery of GHQ.

It was the generals who made Mian Nawaz Sharif Mian Nawaz Sharif Altaf Hussain Altaf Hussain and MQM could not have been formed without General Zia-ul-Haq.

Imran Khan could never have become the Prime Minister of the country without the help of the generals It is on record that General Zia-ul-Haq waived off Rs 200 billion loans of politicians and industrialists.

General Pervez Musharraf also 200 of his pet politicians and industrialists Billions of loans were waived Iqbal once said, "If you create your own world, if you are alive, the head of Adam is the conscience, which is the life, but unfortunately, the politicians of Pakistan have never tried to create their own world, and neither the meaning of the head of Adam nor the conscience is.

" Tried To Understand Mr

Bhutto was a socialist as well as a liberal, but it was a sign of his low personality that when he was a member of General Ayub's cabinet, he used to call General Ayub "Daddy" When Bhutto parted ways with General Ayub, he formed a close relationship with General Yahya.

If Bhutto was a politician and a patriot in the true sense, he would have accepted Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's majority in 1971 and handed over power to him But Bhutto raised the slogan of Idhar Hum Udhar Tum and he emerged as the prime minister of the country in the shadow of the establishment.

Undoubtedly, Bhutto was popular with the people but his moral credibility was negligible So people vote for him They could give notes, but they could not use sticks and bullets on the streets for them.

Therefore, Bhutto's experience that if something happened to him, the Himalayas would cry and rivers of blood would flow in Sindh did not become reality When Bhutto was hanged, no one saw the Himalayas cry, nor did rivers of blood flow in Sindh.

Rest Page 7 No 1 Shahnawaz Farooqui There were demonstrations here and there.

Two or four people set themselves on fire in grief of Bhutto's execution and that was it Mian Nawaz Sharif's generalism was also unparalleled.

He used to call General Zia-ul-Haq as his spiritual father Unfortunately, like Bhutto, Mian Nawaz Sharif also had no moral reputation.

When General Pervez dismissed Mian Sahib, Mian Sahib had a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly, but Mian Sahib could not even organize a demonstration of 1000 people after his dismissal Two weeks after his dismissal, Mushahidullah held a demonstration of one and a half dozen people in Karachi.

Prove it Mian Sahib's moral reputation among the air masses is zero People can give them notes and votes, but they cannot use sticks and bullets for them.

General Pervez had put Mian Sahib in jail and this thing was once for General Pervez They could not keep Mian Sahib in prison for two to four years, but unfortunately, Mian Nawaz Sharif was afraid of the hardships of the prison and made a secret deal with General Pervez and fled to Saudi Arabia.

Unfortunately, Imran Khan was also a "political project" of the establishment, he could have come to power with his own strength, but he used the political umbrella of the establishment to come to power While giving an interview to Dawn just before the last elections, he said that he will also do the politics of the electables and also adopt the politics of capital.

The result is in front of them Like Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, they have no moral credibility.

People can vote for them, give notes, but People are not ready to be beaten, jailed and die for them If it were not for this weakness of Imran Khan, the establishment could not spoil anything even if it wanted to.


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